Prof. Fredrick Ogenga is an Associate Professor of Media and Security Studies at Rongo University, and the Founding Director Center for Media, Democracy, Peace and Security at Rongo University. He is also The President and CEO of the Peacemakers Corps Foundation Kenya, a local NGO that is a member of the Alliance for Peacebuilding that uses technology to build peace, working with the youth. Ogenga is a 2014 Individual Research Fellow (IRF 2014), Africa Peacebuilding Network and 2016 Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding Scholar (SVNP 2016), Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC. He is a former Visiting Research Fellow at the African Studies Center, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, USA and Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath, UK. Ogenga is also a former Visiting Scholar at the Institute for the Advancement of Social Sciences (IASS), Boston University and the Boston University Sociology Department and a Post-doctoral Fellow at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. Ogenga is widely published in the area of media, peace and security. Currently, he is championing African Peace Journalism through a Pan-African institutional methodological and philosophical approach to media and peacebuilding in Africa anchored on the philosophies of Utu or humanity, Umoja or Unity and Harambee or collective responsibility captured in his latest edited book “Peace Journalism in East Africa- A Manual for Media Practitioners” published by Routledge. He has developed a new MSc and PhD program in Media and Security Studies at Rongo University through the Center for Media Democracy, Peace and Security. Ogenga is currently a Letsema Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Pan-Africa Thought and Conversation (IPATC) at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa and Academic Co-chair, East Africa Hub Joint Learning Initiative (JLI)