Perspective on Responsive and Responsible Local Government

Title: Perspective on Responsive and Responsible Local Government
Edited by: Xolile Thani, Rasodi Manyaka and Professor Siphamandla Zondi, director of the Institute for Pan African Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg and acting Co-Director of the Institute for Global African Affairs co-hosted by UJ and the University of the West Indies, Barbados.
Publisher: SAAPAM (2023)

About the Book: The book frames the discussion about the state of developmental local governemnt in South Africa on two intersected concepts: responsiveness and responsibleness. This helps to demonstrate just how connected a municipality’s ability to serve the interest of the people on the ground is to the qyality of it’s governance, administrative systems and processes. Therefore, a responsive and responsible local government is practically goodfor the quality of life in local communities.
