Building Blocks Towards an African Century: Essays in Honour of Thabo Mbeki Former President of South Africa

University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversation (IPATC) and the UJ Library’s held a book launch titled “Building Blocks Towards an African Century: Essays in Honour of Thabo Mbeki Former President of South Africa” (edited by Barney Pityana). The event was attended by 100 guests.

Chair: Professor Adekeye Adebajo, Director of the Pan-African Institute for Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg.

Speakers: Prof. Barney Pityana (Former Vice-Chancellor UNISA),
Prof. Catherine Odora (Research Chair, DST/NRF Chair in Development Education, African Academy of Science, UNISA)

Discussant: Professor Adekeye Adebajo (Director of the Pan-African Institute for Thought and Conversation at the University of Johannesburg)

Image courtesy of: Nathan Dumlao

Event Type


Chinua Achebe Auditorium (6th Floor),
Auckland Park Kingsway (APK) Campus Library,
University of Johannesburg, South Africa


11 April 2019


17:00 – 18:30

Building Blocks Towards an African Century: Essays in Honour of Thabo Mbeki Former President of South Africa